Indonesia is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world, and the dense rainforests, the remote islands hiding the lasy unknown species of plants and animals, and the extremely diverse indigenous cultures are the true basis of the wonder and mystique of this archipelagio. This etreme biodiversity is related directly to the cultural diversity because each culture on the different islands are diverse based upoin which resources they have available. However as the increase of a modern culture arises on the larger islands the destruction of the natural resources also destroys the indigenous cultural diversity that has made up the islands for decades. This began with the colonization by the dutch and was truly expediated by the Japanese taking over and forcing their culture onto the people of Indonesia. However years before the colonization occured many distinct and varying cultures lived based on the lands and had to learn to adapt to the varying ecosystems that made up the diverse country. As each island has different wildlife and different plants, each culture had to learn to live differently.

Therefore it is the role of those in charge of the society now to try and preserve the cultural diversity that makes up the different histories of the great country. However as the country expands it seems that these cultures will continue to diminish because although they are seen as the historical backbone of the country they are no longer relevant to the importace of the growth and expansion of the modern world and therefore are not being protected. It is the governments role as the power of the country to give protection to these individuals not because they can not protect themselves but because protection for these culturally diverse groups inturn relates to the protection of the ecological systems that make up the wonderful biodiverse nature of Indonesia. Monetarily there is no real way to support these groups however from a legislative stand point the goverenment should protect the lands and consider them to be a natural landmark and keep them as they are to maintain the cultural, animal, and plant diversity that should forever be known as Indonesia. With dense rainforests, and undiscovered lands and uninhabited islands this final fronteir of biodiversity is the most important area to protect and the people who live not on but with these ecosystems deserve the right to be protected.

In the other hand it is also the role of governemnt to protect all those under its scope from harm and to provide them with the poosibility of financial support and proide others with the growth and expansionn of technology. The expansion of technology would not change the beliefs of these individuals it could help them expand and more easily provide for their villages. Also with the constant threat of natural disasters such as tsunamis and earthquakes in the indian ocean looming it seems irresponsible for the governemtn to protect lands with people who are a very high risk of death and loss as a result of these tragedies. Also as the population of indonesia continues to grow, currently fourth in the world, some of these areas of biodiversity may need to be sacrificed for the economic expansion, especially since so many of the countries resources come from the wildlife. It is important to protect the biodiversity but without an expansion of economic growth based upon the natural resources it is fiscally irresponsible for the government to ignore the economic needs of the country and the greater population of the urban cities, not the rural and indigenous cultures, even though it may be a detriment to the historical context of the country. In many ways they may need to change to the same techniques used in the AMericas giving indigenous groups protected lands but yet focusing on isung the resources around them for countries growth. However i believe that this would be an injustice to the history of the country and would destroy the last remaining ties to the biodiversity and cultural diversity of the country and I would never change my opinion of the importance placed on biodiversity simply for the desires of the greater population.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    April 2013

